Commercial sound and background music systems

Professional audio components for 100V line audio installations. These systems are used for background music and announcements from small shops to large venues and commercial buildings. We offer a range of specially certified products for voice evacuation systems, as well as for outdoor installation or multi-zone setups. 

Commercial audio systems are designed to be used continuously 24/7, they have simplified and limited controls for end users, and are expected to be reliable and problem-free for many years throughout their service life.

Permanently installed sound systems are used in shopping, catering, education facilities, sports venues, warehouses, airports or hospitals, hotels and places of worship.

Voice evacuation systems

Equipment for voice evacuation systems is certified and passes strict manufacturing and quality assurance processes to meet regulations.

Voice evacuation systems give clear voice-guided instructions during building evacuation process, thus reducing response time in which the building is cleared of people. Certified Voice evacuation systems are now mandatory in certain types of public objects.

Retail and Restaurants

Music systems for mood-setting at shops and restaurants can range in complexity from very simple compact audio setup under the desk, up to multi-room integrated setups that interact with other video or HAVAC systems in the building.

Large shopping centers, malls and shops use 100V music distribution systems, allowing sound systems to be installed in large areas with hundreds of connected speaker units.

Large Industrial Buildings

Industrial audio system needs usually focus on sound distribution in the large areas, therefore it is commonly 100V audio network with options to page messages and relay alarms and other voice messages.

Multizone systems for Hotels

Audio systems for hotels feature a large number of audio zones that need to have separate control over sources, volume, as well as have paging functionality. Some of these zones are located outdoors, such as pool areas, where loudspeakers must have a proper protection. Typical 100V audio distribution systems are common, however new generation POE loudspeaker systems are finding ways to more and more hotels, as they offer similar multi-zone music controls and easy installation.

Houses of Worship

Houses of worship unlike typical venues come with very authentic acoustic properties. We offer column speakers and mini line-array sound systems with DPS processors to combat sound distribution, reverberation, feedback and delay issues in places, that not always allow full-scale audio installation.

Sound Masking

Sound masking is privacy needs-oriented solution. It is used where there is a risk of someone overhearing a private conversation. System works by distributing a special noise pattern, making conversations further away still audible, but almost impossible to understand.

It is proven that sound masking reduces workplace distractions, boost productivity in open offices and protect speech privacy in meeting rooms, banks, hospitals etc.