Artistic light installation in Kaunas Cultural Center

The Kaunas Culture Center has been decorated with a unique artistic accent, which is installed in the inner courtyard. The object of the artistic installation, tentatively named “KUBE” according to the concept author Karolis Nekrošius, is a set of light devices – a three-dimensional sculpture consisting of 1728 pieces. individually controlled colored LED RGB lamps.

The cube is hung in the courtyard of the cultural center, where various events take place, where passers-by or visitors of the courtyard cafe can visit at any time. The illuminated cube is matched to the architecture of the building, becomes the main accent of the courtyard space and is perfectly visible from all sides, both day and night.

“KUBE” is made of weatherproof materials and suspended from the roof of the building by stainless steel ropes. The dimensions of the light cube structure are 2.5×2.5×2.5 meters, and each border consists of 12 bulbs. The control equipment is installed on the roof, in an equipment cabinet adapted to outdoor conditions. The system can operate autonomously according to pre-programmed scenarios and schedules, but it is possible to connect to the control system from anywhere in the building and manage the operating programs according to event scenarios or other needs.

Artistic light installation in Kaunas Cultural Center cta

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